Dim sum & silliness

hakau-dimsumMy friends, K & H, are two of the funniest, cutest indy game guru chicks that you will ever meet. And they have impeccable taste in dim sum. We met them for breakfast just yesterday morning, it being Sunday, and Sunday being the day for dim sum. We managed to beat the crowds to a dim sum place that we’d been meaning to try, even if it meant getting up early for a Sunday. Some sacrifices are necessary to get good dim sum!

Dim sum with the four of us (Layne & I, K & H) usually goes something like this: We all sit down, talk for a while until we realize that we should be flagging down some of the circulating carts, and then there is a great flurry of ordering in between more gaming anecdotes. This continues in cycles until we are all full and the waitresses are giving us and our odd conversations funny looks.

We cover immense conversational ground over tea and dumplings! We are also terribly, hilariously politically-incorrect in a way that only good minority friends can be with each other.  K riffs on being Chinese, I riff on being Native, and the three of us riff on *all things rainbow.  Layne contributes his share of terrible puns, witty quips, and cringes at appropriate times. In the end, great silliness occurs, and we all laugh until our sides hurt. (Though I’m sure we probably make other tables around us cringe.)

This above conversation occurred pretty much verbatim, a few dim sum Sunday’s ago, and quickly devolved into a competition to see who could come up with the worst reality show idea.

*I really do mean all things rainbow… Today’s discussion about whether or not there is a “bear” community among the furries, and exactly what that would entail, will haunt me for some time now.

News: Posted February 16th, 2009 by Alina

^ 4 Comments to “Dim sum & silliness”

  1. soilent Says:

    Yeah… like Carebears getting on an Orgy, right? 😛

    (Sorry, I am an Eve Player. Carebear is an Insult for People avoiding Dangers of PvP in there)

    Posted February 16th, 2009 at 11:28 am
  2. Quinn Says:

    Alina, remember how Layne fixed my Dim Sum curse. I had almost forgotten about that.

    Posted February 16th, 2009 at 2:15 pm
  3. Tara Says:

    Haha funny site

    Posted February 17th, 2009 at 5:35 pm
  4. Greg Says:

    When me and amanda get our asses up there to visit this summer we are so going to have to plan a huge DimSum, figure between the different lifestyles/outlooks of our various groups of friends it could lead to some interesting converstions lol

    Posted February 19th, 2009 at 8:12 pm

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